How to Easily Clear Your Energy

How to Easily Clear Your Energy


I admit it.

I used to be so caught up in this whole process. Gathering supplies, tripping over the dogs, opening the windows, or standing outside freezing myself…

It really was a process!

I’d get my smudge stick ready, try not to burn myself (because I’m NOT coordinated like that!) annnnd stop my furballs from coming in and choking on the smoke!

Or, I tried to find time to clean and recharge my crystals, get them all lined up on each chakra, and then lie on my bed while trying to keep the cat from using them as hockey pucks.

I mean, it started to feel like I was gathering more stressful energy than I was releasing!

Until one day it occurred to me, or maybe was delivered to me by Divine Inspiration because my guides totally felt sorry for me….and that’s this:

Since there is nothing, and I mean not one thing, more powerful than pure, Divine energy, why did this have to be so complicated?

The answer: it isn’t. Not really.

Don’t get me wrong. I still love a good smudge or crystal healing session, and I absolutely think and believe a thorough cleaning & clearing are necessary.

It’s like the difference between dusting & vacuuming your house versus bringing out the mop, bucket, getting into those grout lines with a good scrub brush….

But in those in-between times, we can also give ourselves a little clearing and cleansing when we’re in need for a quick, simple fix. And I have found, it’s pretty darn effective.

Why do we human beings make things much harder than they have to be?

He doesn’t know either.

If we have faith, if we trust our God/ our Divine Source, and we trust that our prayers are answered, why we wouldn’t we be able to rely on the fact that we are loved, taken care of and supported when we are in need of a clearing? We totally can!

It really comes down to 2 steps.

One is your Intention. The second is your Imagination. That’s it.

And you don’t need to trip over any one to gather them!

So, to start, first we:

  1. Set the Intention.


In energy healing, because our thoughts & feelings are energy, that is they too carry a certain vibration, our intention is the single most powerful thing we have. Well, maybe second….God is first. But, I digress…our intention is extremely powerful.

Clearing your mind, even saying a prayer or phrase, will help you set the intention & bring in healing energy.

To show you what I mean, you can simply say something like this:

I ask and affirm as I call on (God/Source/The Highest Power) to release and transmute any energy that is not of my highest good to be healed, released and sent into the loving white light. Please clear my body, mind & soul of any energy or ties that don’t serve me for my highest and best good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And then, while using your Imagination:


Imagine a loving, warm white & golden light encircling you as it flows down from the heavens, from above your head and extending all the way around you to below your feet, dissolving & clearing anything not serving your highest good. Imagine that same energetic light filling every cell of your body too. Gently exhale during this process focusing on the release of the negative while bringing in & filling up on PURE Divine energy.

Wait until you feel a shift in the energy within and around you.

And -  you’re done!

I’m not saying you can’t use tools like smudge, crystals or the like. I use them myself when I feel guided to also.

Sometimes, we DO need that more thorough clearing and cleansing!

But, we can also use this two-step simple process anytime we need.

That comes in handy when I’m in the middle of a public space too! I feel energy all the time…so it’s especially helpful when I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all and after a long, stressful day when I need a quick clearing.

Please reach out if you have any questions, or would like to learn more. If you feel you need a more thorough healing session, you can schedule a Divine Energy Healing session with me now…in the office or distantly…

Wishing you peace,


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